(614) 372-5435 [email protected]

Helping You Grow Your Faith

Learn how to be strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Learn how to reach your INCREDIBLE potential.


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Saturdays (Shabbats/Sabbaths) Fellowship Service 1:30 am to 4 pm


Get Involved

One of the goals of the Merciful Servants of God (MSOG) is to preach the TRUE and COMPLETE Gospel message to as many people as possible by the POWER of the Holy Spirit, the Internet, and other media. Want to help?

Learn How to Have Sex the Biblical Way

Black Marriage

Download the FREE eBook “The Missing Dimension in Sex” to Discover the Biblical Way to have sex.


Discover How God Calls You to Keep His Instructions

How God Calls FREE eBook

Discover God’s FANTASTIC plan for mankind. Get a FREE eBook.


Seeking to Get Married?

We can point you in the right direction to find a partner who keeps the Sabbath, the Holy Days, avoids unclean meats like believers did in the 1st Century and believes Yeshua (Jesus) is God and the Messiah, and keeps the other commandments of God.
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Have Kids?

Learn how to raise them the Bible way

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Get Connected

Join the Merciful Servants of God Facebook Group.

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a Our Mission & Vision

At Merciful Servants of God, Our vision and mission are to teach the “way” of 1st century original Christianity.

Black and White Dove

We desire to be a “bridge encouraging peace & unity” for Sabbath, Holy Day and avoiding Unclean Meats keeping churches to resolve differences, unify and fellowship with each other.

Next Steps

Lots of Ways to Get Involved.

Step 1

Read the Merciful Servants of God Statement of Beliefs

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Step 2

Join the Merciful Servants of God Meetup  Group

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Step 3

Immersion (Baptism)

If you were baptized understanding a Jesus who did away with the Sabbath, Holy Days, the clean meat instructions (Romans 8:7-9), and the law is nailed to the cross, then please read the study guide The spirit of error vs. The Spirit of TRUTH.

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Step 4


Discover your Spiritual Gifts for the Benefit of the Body of Messiah (1 Corinthians 12).

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Step 5


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What are Your Needs?

The Merciful Servants of God ministry does the best we can to help people based on the Bible. Complete our needs form and we will do the best we can to help you and to pray to the Great YHVH (God) for needs we can’t help you with.